Cleric Leveling/Gear Guide [Archive] - Project 1999 (2024)

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04-10-2012, 10:13 AM

Hello everyone!

Is there anyone out there that has a LOT of experience in clerics? (( i play on red 99 and wanted to get as much info as i can about clerics! ))

Looking for a guide or any kind of information on the following topics:

1. Solo Leveling guide (classic era / separate Kunark era) - zones, camps, best strategy to kill a mob (least downtime - maximize experience gain)
2. Races / Deities (racial abilities/quests)
3. Stats (what stats to focus on)
4. Gear (best gear pre-planar and post planar from each era)
5. Specific Clickies that help a lot (i.e: manastone, quest items, etc)

i understand a lot of these sections can be answered from the wiki and/or alakazam.. wanted feedback from players to help me put together some kind of well detailed guide to help myself and the future clerics on p99 and r99!

thank you for all your help! :)


04-10-2012, 01:50 PM

1. Solo Leveling guide (classic era / separate Kunark era) - zones, camps, best strategy to kill a mob (least downtime - maximize experience gain)

Been a while, but go to places with undead and use your undead nukes as they are far more efficient than regular nukes.
Befallen, unrest, specters, etc.

2. Races / Deities (racial abilities/quests)

Couple of clips from the above thread:

halfling - sneak, hide, +exp modifier
darkelf - ultravision, hide, snare from regent of innoruuk necklace (
highelf - infravision, highest wisdom, root from warden of tunare necklace (
gnome - tinkering, brell necklaces
dwarf - booze from disciple of brell necklace (, 10 str buff from initiate of brell (


From a min / max perspective, you need to look at the combined 4 main attributes of relevance to a cleric: (STR / STA / AGI / WIS)

STR - it's just.. amazingly necessary with all the plate you'll be wearing. You can go around with low STR if you never want to loot anything.. ever.
STA - HPs are good, 'nuff said.
AGI - helps with dodge and avoidance a touch. <75 = annoying AC penalty
WIS - mana. yep.

DE - 65 / 70 / 90 / 93 - Total 318
ERU - 65 / 75 / 70 / 93 - Total 303
GNM - 65 / 75 / 85 / 77 - Total 302
HUM - 80 / 80 / 75 / 85 - Total 320
HLF - 75 / 80 / 95 / 90 - Total 340
HIE - 60 / 70 / 85 / 105 - Total 320
DRF - 95 / 95/ 70 / 93 - Total 353

Clearly Dwarf and halfling are heads above the competition. In this comparison.

If we want to remove AGI from the equation:

DE - Total 228
ERU - Total 233
GNM - Total 217
HUM - Total 245
HLF - Total 245
HIE - Total 235
DRF - Total 283

Dwarf is now an even clearer winner, although keep in mind a dwarf starts at 70 AGI and needs 5 to avoid an AC penalty.

Probably the one biggest boost to High Elves is they will have far, far closer to 200 WIS in full resist gear if you are interested in raiding.

But for situational every day grinding, dwarves and halflings are going to have the most utility.


Personally, I chose Halfling for the ability to hide and sneak, which are amazing and allow you access to places, quests and vendors other races cannot easily access.

3. Stats (what stats to focus on)
Obviously, you want to focus on Wisdom until 200 then focus on mana/hp/resist gear.

It sounds like you are playing on red, so you will want to make sure you balance your wisdom/mana with resists.

For people going uber end game: put 5 starting points into stamina and the remaining 25 in wisdom. If you are starting fresh, then your mana pool will be less than other people similarly geared. Again this is for extreme min/maxing. The amount of hp clerics get from that extra 20 sta points at 60 is a total of about 60 hp.

For the rest of us: 25 wisdom, 5 stamina is a good starting point. Dwarf/Erudite might want to put 5 into agility instead of stamina to avoid the less than 75 agility penalty, this can easily be negated if you have some gear with at least +5 agility.

4. Gear (best gear pre-planar and post planar from each era)

The wiki has the best listing of gear outs available imo.

5. Specific Clickies that help a lot (i.e: manastone, quest items, etc)

Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring (junk buff, instant click)
Spyglass (junk buff, instant click from inventory)
Amulet of Necropotence (high end junk buff, skeleton illusion, instant click from inventory)
The above mentioned deity specific quest items.
Water Sprinkler of the Forgiven (Atone/mem blur)
Water Sprinkler of Nem'Anhk (Epic/Rez click)
Donal's Bracer of Mourning (Pacify)
Leatherfoot Raider's Skullcap (instant click gate to WC, 1 charge, rechargeable)
Ring of Shadow (self invis, 3 charges, rechargeable)
Larrikan's Mask (targetable invis, 10 charges, rechargeable)


04-12-2012, 11:50 AM

wow! thank you !!


05-23-2012, 09:47 AM

I think a mention of donals arms is needed. the make good free heals on non tanks. good when you have a necro shaman. or pling a melee


06-25-2013, 01:30 PM

Personally, I chose Halfling for the ability to hide and sneak, which are amazing and allow you access to places, quests and vendors other races cannot easily access.

Sorry, but I found this thread in a Google search and had to correct it. This is incorrect. While all Halflings get the skills, the only class that can use sneak AND hide at the same time is rogue.


06-25-2013, 01:41 PM

Sorry, but I found this thread in a Google search and had to correct it. This is incorrect. While all Halflings get the skills, the only class that can use sneak AND hide at the same time is rogue.

What is incorrect? Halflings get both sneak and hide, both of which individually and in conjunction allow access and movement to places other races cannot access.

Any class that has both sneak and hide can use them at the same time. You just can't move and keep both active; the hide will break once you move, unless you are a rogue.

This however is going to be diminished after the next patch since it will turn hide into regular invis status, but sneak will still be excellent for accessing quests and vendors otherwise not accessible.


06-25-2013, 01:47 PM

What is incorrect? Halflings get both sneak and hide, both of which individually and in conjunction allow access and movement to places other races cannot access.

Any class that has both sneak and hide can use them at the same time. You just can't move and keep both active; the hide will break once you move, unless you are a rogue.

This however is going to be diminished after the next patch since it will turn hide into regular invis status, but sneak will still be excellent for accessing quests and vendors otherwise not accessible.

You are wrong. i just confirmed it for myself by rolling up a halfling cleric, changing the camera angle so I could see myself, I clicked hide and saw myself disappear, clicked sneak, then as soon as I moved I became visible again with the message that I have stopped hiding. ONLY rogues can use sneak/hide at the same time. It's always been that way

And the next patch to what? Live? This is 1999 we're talking about, not live, so that patch should never be applied here since that's not how it worked in 1999.


06-25-2013, 01:52 PM

You are wrong. i just confirmed it for myself by rolling up a halfling cleric, changing the camera angle so I could see myself, I clicked hide and saw myself disappear, clicked sneak, then as soon as I moved I became visible again with the message that I have stopped hiding. ONLY rogues can use sneak/hide at the same time. It's always been that way

Did you bother reading what I typed or did you get all giddy thinking of what you were going to post and skip it?

I haven't said that you can use them at the same time the same way a rogue does. My second posts even says as such since you didn't full comprehend what I said the first time.

You just can't move and keep both active; the hide will break once you move, unless you are a rogue.


06-25-2013, 01:55 PM

And the next patch to what? Live? This is 1999 we're talking about, not live, so that patch should never be applied here since that's not how it worked in 1999.

Really? The next patch to Project 1999...

Hide currently works as super invis/itu at the same time. This is not proper. It (racial hide) is being turned into regular invis. There will be rogue blood.
Pending update:
- Rogue hide will function the same as invis + IVU stacked.
- Non-rogue (racial hide) will function the same as invis.
- Mobs that see through invis/IVU will similarly see through hide.


06-25-2013, 01:59 PM

Did you bother reading what I typed or did you get all giddy thinking of what you were going to post and skip it?

I haven't said that you can use them at the same time the same way a rogue does. My second posts even says as such since you didn't full comprehend what I said the first time.

You said in your original post that it allows to access places that other races have difficulty accessing. That implies using it to move past mobs that would kill you otherwise if they could see you. In that regard, you CANNOT use sneak/hide together to get past mobs.

You are the one who obviously did not comprehend MY original post or you would not have felt compelled to reply at all.


06-25-2013, 02:04 PM

Really? The next patch to Project 1999...

Hide currently works as super invis/itu at the same time. This is not proper. It (racial hide) is being turned into regular invis. There will be rogue blood.

What the heck is "itu"? Invis to undead? How did Hide become invis to undead on 1999 in the first place? It was never that before.


06-25-2013, 02:32 PM

You said in your original post that it allows to access places that other races have difficulty accessing. That implies using it to move past mobs that would kill you otherwise if they could see you. In that regard, you CANNOT use sneak/hide together to get past mobs.

It doesn't imply that and I never said you could use them at the same time while moving like a rogue does. As currently implemented, you can use both hide and sneak to move around roamers and get through areas that are otherwise inaccessible to other races (since hide currently acts as super invis and regular mobs can't see through it). As a Halfling cleric with hide and sneak you can explore VP unmolested with proper application of sneak and hide (except around the dragons, they see through hide) and if you take your time to wait for roamers. This is also applicable in other places.

You are the one who obviously did not comprehend MY original post or you would not have felt compelled to reply at all.

I comprehended your post just fine. You made a blanket statement that is incomplete and incorrect to a point.
Sorry, but I found this thread in a Google search and had to correct it. This is incorrect. While all Halflings get the skills, the only class that can use sneak AND hide at the same time is rogue.

You called out my post as incorrect, when it is not. You inferred that I was suggesting using both sneak and hide at the same time to achieve the same ability as rogues. This was not implied nor explicitly stated in my original post. You then make the incorrect statement "While all Halflings get the skills, the only class that can use sneak AND hide at the same time is rogue." You can activate both at the same time as a Halfling, you just can't move while keeping hide active as a non-rogue class. This allows a non-rogue to invis (currently super-invis) themselves while a mob is facing them, and to sneak behind when the mob is facing away. The application of hide or breaking of hide does not affect a properly applied sneak, so the use of both is important in some situations. But like I said above, most of this is going to be scaled way back in usefulness after the next patch.

What the heck is "itu"? Invis to undead? How did Hide become invis to undead on 1999 in the first place? It was never that before.

Yes, ITU is Invis to undead. As for your second question that is something you should ask the devs.


06-25-2013, 02:51 PM

You don't have to be hide + sneak (rogue invis) to be able to move passed enemies. With proper movement (stay behind the mob), sneak alone will prevent you from obtaining aggro. This is not always possible, but it will allow you to bypass some instances that could not be bypassed by races without sneak and hide.

Also, sneak will allow you to complete quest turn ins that hide or invis alone would not.


06-25-2013, 03:45 PM

For RED I'd strongly advise:

1) Roll Human or Erudite if you're starting fresh with no cash OR looking to min/max

You need to be able to see invis on Red. Human Clerics of Innoruuk and Erudite Clerics can quest: Fright Forged Helm ( which not only gives you see invis but an instant click item that can be used to fight against dispels in pvp.

At the top end you'll want to be a race that can wear robes since the best chest item in both Kunark and Velious is a robe: Robe of the Azure Sky ( and Sal'Varae's Robe of Darkness (

2) If you have some pp to start and aren't looking to raid endgame content roll a Dwarf

If you can afford a Bracer of the Hidden, you'll enjoy the better starting stats of a Dwarf plus you might also be able to afford Dwarf cultural armor which is particularly nice on a pvp server since it offers basically everything you could want: wisdom, high ac, hps (via sta), resist magic, and resist fire. For example, Dwarven Plate Gauntlets (

3) Leveling Guide:

Easiest path involves getting to Faydwer and then...

Butcherblock Mountains - Decaying Skeletons near Kaladim (turn-in Bone Chips)
Butcherblock Mountains - Undead Tower has 3 skeletons that spawn; use undead nuke
Butcherblock Mountains - Chess Board has undead; use undead nuke
Unrest - start at entrance and work your way up to hag room using root and nuke
Unrest Hags - split with lull, run to zone if crit resist. Once spawn is broken if you nuke Hags as they spawn they only take 2 nukes to die. Use DA on pull if Knight spawns so you don't eat his harmtouch.

Move to Antonica...
Specters in Feerott or Oasis - undead fear and nuke

4) Clickies:

Fright Forged Helm if Erudite/Human Innoruuk
Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring - for use against dispel
Bracer of the Hidden - if not Erudite/Human Innoruuk
Donal's Vambraces are amazing at 45+
Donal's Bracer - mana free lull is nice
Donal's Boots - free dd clicky can be nice for things like Nobles in HHK 50+
Water Sprinkler of the Forgiven - atone clicky let's you do some fun things and bypass see invis mobs
Manastone - expensive but ridiculous when doing Specter camp or in Guk

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Cleric Leveling/Gear Guide [Archive]  - Project 1999 (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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