Everything You Need to Know About Bush Hogging - (2024)

Have you ever spent the afternoon trying to mow an overgrown field, only to stop every ten feet from cleaning your mower deck? Perhapsyou’ve pulled out your weed-whacker and blown through an entire reel of string in minutes without making a dent in the job?

It’s probably time to consider bush hogging that land. If you’re not sure what bush hoggin is or what it can do, don’t worry. This article will take a closer look at how webush hog, where we can bush hog, and how practical and affordable it can be.

What Is Bush Hogging?

To understand bush hogging, you must first understand what a bush hog is. A bush hog is very similar to a lawnmower in that it has a deck with mower blades that spin fast to cut vegetation. That’s where the similarity ends.


Bush hogs are much larger than a traditional lawnmower. On average, theyrange in size from three feet wide up to 12-feet or more. The largest rotary cutter in the world measures 42 feet wide, so you can imagine how many lengths you might find.

A bush hog is a rotary cutter that has no power of its own. It attaches to a tractor through a power take-off (PTO) system. The larger the bush hog is will require a larger tractor with more PTO power to run it.

Bush hogs often attach to the rear hydraulic system on a tractor. The bush hog’shydraulic system allows the driver to raise or lower the bush hog to cut depth horizontally or raise it completely when not cutting.

Some bush hogs operate with hydraulic-operated articulating arms, like that of a robot. These articulating bush hogs allow you to position your cutting deck to cut vertically. This ability is advantageous if you need to cut back over-growing trees on a dirt road or the edge of a field.

Power Take-Off

In either case, the blades turnby the tractor’s PTO system, which is very much the same as a drive shaft on a car that turns your axle to move your vehicle. You hook up the bush hog’s driveshaft to the tractor PTO. Then you activate the tractor’s PTO system, which turnsthe drive shaft.

The bush hog drive shaft transfers the power to the blades, which begin to rotate. Sometractors will have the ability to speed up and slow down the turning rate depending on the job at hand.

Bush Hogging Applications

Now that you understand what a bush hog is, let’s look at some of the applications thatmight benefit frombush hogging. You might be surprised at what can be accomplished with a bush hog.

Large Fields

Mother nature never stops, and eventually, that beautiful field you like to look out over in the morning willbegin tolook more like a jungle if left unattended.Bush hogging fields is a simple, efficient way to trim back overgrowing grass. By cutting back the grass, you make both the grass and the soil healthier.

Rough and Uneven Areas

If your property contains rough or uneven ground like a steep embankment to a retaining pond, you could benefit from a bush hog. Our bush hogs can go where other mowers can’t without tipping over.

Hard To Reach or Isolated Property

Perhaps there’s an area surrounded by woods, overgrown brush, or rocky terrain, and you can’t get back there with your equipment. Our tractors can reach those hard to get to areas.

Reclaiming Overgrowth

Maybe you have an area that has been ignored for years and is full of overgrown brush and small trees. A regular mower and weed whacker won’t cut through these things, and cutting by hand would take forever. Send in our bush hog, and we’ll have it reclaimed in no time.

Protecting PrivateRoads

Many people love living in the country, especially ones with private drives only you and your family and friends use to reach your home. The town doesn’t maintain the vegetation on private roads, that’s up to you. Twice a year, you should have the vegetation cut back to avoid encroachment and possible damage to power lines and vehicles.

Our vertical bush hogs can easily trim back the trees and brush from ground level to electrical and phone lines.


Riverbanks, lakes, ponds, and marshes present a unique challenge for traditional mowers and cutters. The soft ground makes it very difficult for standard cutters and mowers to traverse. Likewise, trying to use a weed whacker or handheld cutter can take time and have you slogging through the muck for days with little to show for it.

Our tractors can handle the terrain, and our bush hogs can cut through in hours what would take you days or weeks to accomplish.

Hiring a Bush Hogging Service vs. Renting

Most machines for rent don’t do what our machines can. They can’t get to places we can reach, and they don’t work as quickly and efficiently. That translates into a more extended rental period that doesn’t even finish the job.

Renting machines is costly as well. Most people don’t understand how to estimate a job, and renting a machine by the day can add up fast when the job takes a week instead of a day, or two weeks instead of one.

Our tractors are powerful, and our bush hogs are efficient. When we quote you a job, you can trust we will finish on time.

Safety should be your number one concern. Many people don’t know how to operate special equipment, creating an unsafe environment properly. Let our professionally trained experts handle these tough jobs.

Big MoeSpecialty Land Services

At Big Moe Specialty Land Services, we take on jobs other tractors can’t. Skid steers, Bobcats, farm tractors, and lawn tractors can’t handle the jobs our tractors can, so when the job seems out of reach, give Big Moe Tractora try.You can visit us online to learn more about our services.

We service the Lexington, Kentucky, area counties as far north as Franklin, Bourbon, Scott Counties, and south to Garrard and Boyle Counties. We service from Anderson and Mercer Counties in the westto Montogomery County in the east.

Everything You Need to Know About Bush Hogging - (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.