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- Publication:
- Ledger-Stari
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
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SATURDAY JANUARY 9 1943 THE NOROLK LEDGER DISPATCH I 7 Ki a iaw was sworn into the Brinson and Mrs DEATHS i las ord? ofi New York and Mrs atl Norfleet of (Virginia Beach and ANNOUNCEMENTS be in In Memoriam 3 By Ed Reed Off The Record In 4TI Mrs coat father Miller irst Christians Install Officers of Ep will of in Elm Discovery that fuel oil produced in Brazil can be used in Diesel en gines has led to resumption of Diesel electric trains on the rail road between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo the re her un Jones and Capt red A Nichols Six first cousins of various ranks and ratings also arc serving inttnr Coast Guard or the first time since war began the entire family group is in this country Ensign Hall is shown with her father onthe bridge ofthe cutter on which she was sworn into the SPARS Graham uneral' Home Jackson and Jefferson streets South Nor folk? where funeral services' will be conducted Sunday at 3 pm Burial will be in Riverside Memo rial Park ham two sisters Mrs Louise Arn old of Hickory and Miss Laura May Burnham of New Jer sey 7 The body was removed to the Graham uneral Home Jackson and Jefferson streets South Nor folk "where funeral services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock Interment will be In Riverside Memorial Park ANOTHER HALL JOINS SERV Ens Elizabeth Bartley Hall SPAR daughter of Capt Hall captain of the port of Hamp ton Roads and Mrs Hall will leave Sunday for the Coast Guard Acad emy at New London She is the elevcntlof Tief to join the Deaths Samuel Glides 80 died at a local hosphal this morning at 7:30 after a long illness He wag a native of Baltimore Md but had been a resident of Norfolk for a number of years Mr Glides was a well known paper hanging contractor until he was forced to retire several years ago due to ill health' Ho Is survived by niece Mrs Sallie Bull of Baltimore Md The body was taken to the fu neral chapel of James Derry 1920 Colley avenue pending the completions of funeral arrange ments irst Lutheran Ernest Miller aged 70 of Police Officer Llovd of 515 Poole street died Sunday at a hospital In Moline Ill after an illness of three years Mr Miller left Thursday morning to attend his funeral and burial In Elmwood Cemetery Canton Hl yesterday Besides his wife and son he Is survived by two sisters and two grandsons two nephews Brockwell of Norfolk and Melvin Brink of New York uneral services wilt be con ducted at the Hollomon Brown uneral Home tomorrow afternoon at 2 clock Burial will orest Lawn Cemetery Miss uneral services for Miss West who died at the resid'ence of her brother 0 West at Moyock Wednes day morning were conducted at the residence in Moyock yesterday aft ernoon at 2:30 The Rev Potts pastor of irst Baptist Church of Elizabeth City and the Rev Willis pastor of Moyock Baptist Church offi ciated Mrs Rupeit West and Mrs Poyner sang two duets Old Rugged and "Good night" The pallbearers were Rupert West Robert A est Hatcher West Sandford West Edward Dozier and Manly 'West Interment was In the family burlap ground Emery uneral services for Mr Cox who died Thursday morn ing at the residence 1471 Emery Place will be held at the chapel of the II Oliver uneral Apart ments 1501 Colonial avenue Sun day afternoon at 4 with the Rev Griffin Jones rector of St Andrew's Episcopal Church officiating interment will be orest Lawn Cemetery service She SPARS riday afternoon as ported in these columns by father while three four striper cles looked on They are Capt Nor man Hall aide to Vice of the Coast Guard Capt Chester In memory of Wm Willlngha who died one year ago today 9 1012 One year ago today von left us Sad has been our lives singe then: Hut the memory of you dear one Will be with us until the entl' It Wil AND DAUGHTERS Joy Riding Ban to Cut Gasoline Tax Collections Richmond Jan 9 Tr i rxn 91 UU) HUI va Division of Motor Vehicles esti mates the federal ban on "will probably bring a de crease of more than 40 per cent in gasoline tax collections in the state during the first six months of "1943 as compared with the first half of 1942 Gasoline tax Collections during the first six months of 1942 were $13200000 Joyner said collections for a similar period this year woulc probably be about $200000 fourdoof sedan ra ke DEater teat covers: rood tires me mically perfect uill aacnfice tor ick aaie ivyv urancy at LET US RECAP YOUR OU? TIRE If you are eligible fur this service we you expert workmanship combined fact ory precision equipment plus oti materials MASTER AUTO SERVICE COR 20th SL kt Colonial Ave 4 104t "Pontiac sedan 1941 1941 1941 1911 1041 1041 1911 i Weekend Hockey hatvkday NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston at Montreal Detroit at Toronto AMERICAN LEAGUE Mow Haven Cleveland 'providence at PitUburch Indianapolis at Hershey Buffalo al Washington SLM)A m0Vt LEAGUE at New York Toronto at Boston Detroit Chicaro AMERICAN LEAGUE rrovidenee at Indianapolis Hershey at Bn Halo Cleveland at New Haven LAST KERULTS 1 jSo games scheduled either league unerals Mrs Lena Augusta Dawson uneral services for Mrs Dawson who died Thursday at a local hos pital will be held in the funeral chapel of James Derry 190 Colley avenue tomorrow aftei non at 2 30 The Rve Persinger pastor worth Methodist Church ficiate Interment will be wod Cemetery Park Lano Wooten uneral services for Mr Wooten who died at a Baltimore hospital Thursday were conducted at tile Holol mon Brown uneral Home this afternoon at 3 by the Rev Henry Tiffany Dt pastor of the Park Place Baptist Church Burial was in orest Lawn Ceme tery Miss Viola Karen Augusta Nel uneral services for Miss Nelson will be conducted at the Jlollomon Brown uneral Home tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 by the Rev Strickler pastor or Church of which Miss Nelson was a member Burial will be in orest Lawn Cemetery William uneral services for Mr JValker son of the late Henry Clay and Rachel Walk er who died Wednesday were con ducted at the Cox TuneraT Home yesterday afternoon at 3 The Rev Norman Taylor arch deacon of the Diocese of Southern Virginia officiated The pallbearers were Allan Ward Webb Jr New ton Harry ockler William An drews and Bell Jr Interment was in orest Lawn Cemetery William Henry Wallace Sr neral services for Mr Wallace hus band of Mrs Valeria onvllle Wallace who died at the residence 1121 Rockbridge avenue Thursday atternoon were conducted at the Cox uneral Home this afternoon at 2 o'clock The Rev Per singer pastor of Epworth Methodist Church of which Mr Wallace was a member officiated Interment was in the family plot in orest Lawn Cemetery Miss Mary Ella Barnes daughter of the late Richard and Matilda Elmore Barnes died at the resi dence of her niece Mrs John Norfleet Jr ifty Second street Virginia Beach yesterday morning at 5 She' is survived by two sisters Mrs Lillian MJ Brock well of Spotswood avenue and Mrs rederic Elias of Long Island a brother Edward Barnes of Baltimore tvo nieces Mrs Doug Ocean Viw section aultable lor trailers J1OO up $25 cash $10 month ly Call Mr 25381 Norfolk Buys $4119834 of Victory Bonds Of the $964 17000 Victory bonds sold in the December State cam paign Norfolk bought $4119834 worth according to Hugh Leach president of the ederal Reserve Bank a Richmond dispatch re vealed Richmond was credited with sub scriptions of $2983124250 largely through it was said the purchases made by insurance companies there Alexandria $679053: Bristol $102 38S Charlottesville $731491 50 Clifton orge $2981050 Coving ton $18029 1371 50 redericksburg $467220 Harrison burg $9632850 Lvnchburg $1087 871 Martinsville $318337 Newport 'News $287208250 Pe tersburg $936617 Portsmouth $1449105 50 Pulaski $9084350 Radford $61498 Roanoke $1610 02550 Staunton $404249 Suffolk $243847 and Waynesboro $88 39550 The amounts represent sales of all types of victory securities ex cept the Series War Savings Bonds Dudley ield Malone To Play Movie Role Jan 9 (P) Dudley ield Malone prominent lawyer and former assistant secre tary of state has a movie role to day because of his close resem blance to Prime Minister Winston Churchill The picture is "Mission to Mos based on the book by Joseph Davies former ambassador to Russia Malone said he accepted the part because of his friendshipwith He has no previous experience as a professional actor MOthw 041 24mt udiUon prt 50 Mh Dial 32318 1 condition good radios 1 MOUTH 1 936 convertible COWat rf kowI oondiuou nod uren eacntrtion 1 good: left with to by partymx in service sacrifice lor only $200 nce lournoy Used Cr Lot 711 st St i MOL'l 037 coupe exrglfent condf sn 5 rol tue privately owned 125 cash Dial 32424 MOUTH STATION 1040 5 try gund tires Price $875 cash Dial505 before noon Sunday 1941 120 convertible coune tcellent condition 5 brand new tires rice $1150 Wire or write Neely Jr 118 Cameron Lane Char Mrs Lizzie Tayloe uneral services for Mrs Dunning widow of Robert Jackson Dunning who died at the residence of her daughter Mrs John Branch Bea man 2430 Grandy avenue Wednes day' morning were conducted at the Cox uneral Home yesterday morning at 11 The Rev Sparks Melton pastor of reemason Street Bap tist Church the Rev Beecher Rhodes pastor of Berkley Avenue 'Baptist Church and the Rev Persinger pastor of Epworth Methodist Church offi ciated 'John Roberts accompanied by Miss Mabel Lacy pianist sang "It Is' Well With My The honorary pallbearers were Steve Seffren Carroll Dunning Wallace Dunning John Branch Beaman Thomas Beaman Hunter Beaman and Winfield Beaman i Active pallbearers were Emory Dunning A Dunning 3d Dunning Jr Lyndall Dunning Roger Beaman and Dan Ott All of the pallbearers were grandsons of Mrs Dunning Interment was in family plot in Riverside Memorial Park ''i YMOUTH STATION WAGON 1941 uw mileage good tires See Pete Round ree 4 or call Suffolk 136S 2' YMOUTH 1940 2 diior sedan: radio: OO1 tires $650 Dial 39252 alter I 'tn sedan car" in condition privately owned oil inee $350 559 Marchant RJ Oakdale i arm anatics Rule Japan Hill Tells Chamber 2 Complete loor of H41 Model Car We have just received 40 1 coupes and a in ords Chevrolets Plyin ou th Oldsmobile Po tiacs and Buick 3000 to 12000 miles all with good' tires And guaranteed Before buy fog see these car and get 4 "your pkk Norfolk Motor inc Cadillac Oldsmobile Deahnr 903 Granby St DialSSM open Evening Lynchburg Jan Max Hill former Associated Press bureau chief In Tokyo told members of the Lynchburg Chamber of Com 4 merce assembled last night at their annual meeting that real fanatics of this world rule Japan" "We talk glibly of madmen In Europe Hitler and Hill declared "yet Hitler his power and active control of the Gestapo to Himmler Tojo doesn't i He wouldn deprive him elf of the sadistic ea ure of watching his victim writhe under the torture he per onaliy upervre Both Hill and Joseph Grigg Jr former United Pre manager in Berlin gave detailed pictures of conditions in Germany and Japan ju before and immediately aftei tnfe beginning of hostilities With the United States i Hill who reveals numerous traits of the premier General Tojc in hi book Exch nge Ship "''written ince hs return to United States described 1943 as the critical year in the Pacific trong he warned won break and In ny con queied land she i per uadlng the native population to fight and work for her "We are not vet winning the war the Pacif aid weihust I win or becone subject to the ruth less gang if nt despots who rule that Island empire" 1 On the doy of the attack on Pearl Harbor Hill was arrested and sen tenced to serve 18 months In prison for writing stories to diplomacy" Hill described China "as the one logical front from which to attack and stated flatly that the time to fight is now "We must not let China down because her help is vital to us If we are ro win this war" he said adding that he had found "an alarming lack of interest" to the danger of Japan among the east ern states Grigg who wTas interned for five months by the Germans described the RA raids on Berlin as "ex tremely detrimental to German pride and civilian The Germans he recalled had been jiromised hy Herman Goering in a speech in USD that no enemy plane "would pierce his supposedly 1m penetrable wall of anti aircraft and Extra Sugar Available To eed Service Men Restaurants cafes and other eat ing places serving an "organized of service men or holding' a contract for feeding a certain number may obtain extra sugar rations from the local War Price 'and Rationing Board it was learned by Mrs George 8 Briggs executive secretary of the aboard through a call to State Office of Price Administration headquarters 'in Richmond late riday 'J This new ruling also provides that restaurants not holding mill tary contracts may apply for this extra sugar ration by keeping sepa rate count of the service men served individually and reporting 4: this to the board in the form of a sworn statement Mrs Briggs pre dieted that this would prove to be more trouble than it was worth however and that few local eating place proprietors would apply for the sugar 'unless they" hold con tracts Dr Gordon pastor of the irst Christian Church (Disciples) will conduct a special service of installation and dedication on Sun day morning at 11 o'clock when newly elected officers be in stalled New deacons elected to serve on the board are Robert Hoskin Holladay Jr Jesse White Jones and James A Ander son Deacons and deaconesses re elected to serve a further term of three years include Dr Vincent Ober Reveille A Butcher Gordonf Lindsay Edgar John son Capt orrest owler Don ald Gordon Edwin Burdell Paulf Schweitzer Mrs rank East Sr Mrs 0 White and Mrs A Owen Captain Hunley was elected to the Board of Elders' In addition tothe above the following will of ficiata as membwo of the board in the services of installations: Theodore Griffin chairman Brewbaker Spicer Grif fin owler Sr A Earn est Jr Holladay Sr A Harrison East Latham Chory John East Dt owler Jr Garnett James Garrett Harris Howard Charles Hudson Myers A Owen Powell A Robinson Romm Dunston Romm Gerould Rum ble Schlegel Dr Trum bo A Waters II White hurst Wrav red Wyatt Sr York Mrs Burke Mrs Williams Mlss Ethel Vaiden and Miss Patti Burch 7YM0UTH 1939 pckup: good tires privately owner: State and city license: $895 731 33 Granby St 494bo1ee V) ton panel delivery truck: very low mileage with five extra good tires Phone 21024 Senter ivo wheel heavy duty pickup trader and hitch: BtyxS ft excellent tires $75 Dial 48487 before 6 'mxfeA BURNHAM JON'NIE THOMAS Yea ti rday morning at his 3103 Bambrlctee boulevard Portlock after an Ki illness of two weeks JONNIE THOMAS BURNHAM son of Samuel Burnham and the late Elizabeth Ann Williams Burnham and husband of Mrs Ola May Bryan Bum ham in the 40th year of his age The sis bxly was removed to the Graham uneral tss liotne Jackson and Jefferson streets South i' Norfolk vwherc funeral services will be conducted TOMORROW (Sunday) ATER Ss NOON at 1 o'clock' Burial Riverside Memorial Park It Mrs Georgiana Watson Woodard Clark aged 76 died at the resi dence 1106 East Olney road yes terday morning at 3:20 after an illness of eight days She had been in failing health for several years Mrs Qlark was a native of Plym outh and had resided in Nor folk for the past 39 years She was the widow of A' Clark and a daughter of tlielate George and Harriet Watson Surviving her are three daugh ters Mrs1 Deldee Harry Smith both of Norfolk pid Mrs Sapper of William son Va a son Woodard of Norfolk and six grandchildren uneral services will be conduct ed at the Cox uneral Home 631 Westover avenue tomorrow after noon at 2 The Rev Sparks Melton pastor of ree mason Street Baptist Church will officiate Interment will be In orest Lawn Cemetery Kenneth Burnley Bennett aged 57 husband of Bertha Staylor Ben died at his residence Cottage Glenrock Princess Anne County yesterday afternoon at 4:45 after a lingering illness He was a native of New Orleans and had been a resident of Norfolk and Princess Anne County most of his life Resides hit wife he survived by three daughters Mrs A Boynton of Norfolk Mrs Harry McCloud of Elizabeth City Miss Anne Bennett of Norfolk six sons Archie Percy Raymond Herbert Albert all Nor folk and Edward1 BennettUSA' A The bodv was 'removed to the i Gregory uneral Home Granby at Thirty fourth street pending fu neral arrangements Jonnie Thomas Burnham aged 40 3101 Bainbridge boulevard Port lock died yesterday morning after an illness of two weeks He was a native of South Norfolk and a life resident a son of Samuel Burnham and the late Elizabeth Ann Wil liams Burnham He is survived by his wife Mrs Ola May Bryan Burnham a son Jonnie Thomas Jr a daughter Joe Ann Burnham three brothers Alfred Almond and Edward Burn st WJ Mrs Georgia Herbert Ricardo aged 76 widow of rank Ricardo and daughter of the late George and Louisianna Benton Herbert died at the residence 254 Green street Norview yesterday after noon at 5:10 She is sur vived by two daughters Mrs Anita Patchin and Miss Estelle Ricardo and three sons Christopher Edward Joseph and Ralph Her bert Ricardo all of Norfolk Mrs Ricardo was a lifelong resident of Norfolk and as a member of Christ and St Episcopal Church uneral services will be con Tz1 1 TJfrisim UUUWU UV VUC IXVllvmUH lJKUnii uneral Home tomorrow afternoon Drive at 4:30 o'clock Burial wil be in Elmwood Cemetery AUTOMOTIVE DISPLAY WANTED ords Plymouths 5 Passcngcr Model Seo Carmean' or Wood GRIIN MOTOR CO 72 Granby St Dial 22804 Mrs Emma Cornelia Herbert aged 69 died yesterday morning at 6:15 at her residence Her Corner Norfolk County after an illness of six weeks A native of Norfolk she had made her home In this section all her life She was the daughter of the late Wil liam A and Maria Louisa Childress Ellington and the wife of George Melvin Herbert In addition to her husband she is survived by four daughters Mrs Minnie Hattan of Newport News Mrs Johnson of Durham Sam Love of Newport News and Mrs' Peter ulk of Winston Salem a son Mel vin Herbert of Washington a brother Ellington of Norfolk two sisters Mrs Calvin Parker of Berkley and Mrs Tom Asdell of South Norfolk a grand son George Dewey Head Jk who had made his home with his grand mother and 15 other grandchildren two great grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews She was a member of American Legion Auxiliary No 33 of Wash ington and a member of South Norfolk Christian Church The body was removed to the LEGALS NOTICE Pleao notice that on the IfHh day January 1943 the will nn plv to the Virginia Alcoholic Bevera Control Board for retail hccnae to ael beer tor on and off vremuea conmitmi tioii at 3510 Newport avenue Norfolk Virginia ASTOR CAE Ernest Vahanos 1 8A Special Notices 1 ADORATION Croquixnole permsnj $350 $6 eather Edxe $5 Jeie' i New Monroe Dial 25032 ARTISTIC PERMANENT WAVE other S5 50 $750 and $10 Southl Hotel Jly auty al on Dial 255 11 ALTERATIONS Specialty Tai in Army and Navy nnitouns Wort Tailoring Shop 51(1 New Monroe AIEWTOK1 I 1 CORNERBOVSH 1 KA RD 1942 Clipper 2 donr ladio' eater and (Up corers Dial 83553 2 KA RD Club coupe 10 lb: practically nw engine: lire iwo xxivaw owner ial 80821 i'A IKARDl Sixian like new 5 tire alaa ka new 223 County St Phone Port iputh 1523 '7 7 "7 i' 1941 eedan: xeeptionally low 1 mileage onannal hite tire same as new two toms paint nd new epara tire clear title 5875 nrinal owner Mrs Generteve Juliana is in gut on Are Portlock Va 1942 2 door aadan for ale owner: priority required whicn we? nil aseiat you to ecura If you mn omr war work: priced right for amcka ale Phono Portsmouth 4050 0 a ni 5 YMOUTH STATION 1041' nth radio and heater perfect motor nd excellent tires all around "These ar are scarce so hurry Colonial Chex olet Corp St and Olney Rd Dial 7071 Open evening nntil 9 1 HERBERT MRS EMMA This morning at 8:15 o'clock at her reel i dence Herbert Corners' Norfolk county fe after an illness of six weeks MRS EMMA CORNELIA HERBERT danfhter of the late William A and Marla Louisa Children Ellington and wife of Georg Herbert in the (Jlltti year of her age THo body was removed to the Graham uneral Home Jackson and Jefferson streets Smith Nor folk where funeral services will be con ducted SUNDAY ATERNOON at 3 clock Burial Riverside Memorial Park Ja8 2t (Winston Salem Durham and Newport News Va papers please copy) ETT KE At hts residence Glenrock Princess Anne County riday January 8 1943 at 4:45 KENNETH BURNLEY BENNETT beloved husband of Bertha Staylor Ben nett in the 58th year of his age The remains were removed to the Grerarv neral Home Granby at Thirty fourthtree! pending funeral arrangements It CLARK GEORGIANA WATSON WOOD ARD At lhe residence 1106 East Olney road riday morning January 8 1943 at 3:20 o'clock MRS GEORGIANA WAT SON WOODARD CLARK widow of A Clark and daughter of the late George and Harriet Watson aged 78 years neral services will be conducted at the Cox uneral Home (131 Westover avenue at Manteo street SUNDAY ATERNOON at i 2 o'clock riends of the family are in vited to attend Interment orest Lawn Cemetery It COX At the residence No1471 Emery Plariv Thursday January 7 1943 MftV hnahnHrl nf Mn JJotenn Cox and Aon of the late William VanZandt and Mrs Julia Emery Cox in liio 57th year nf hia aga SnrvioQB nl (he chapel of tha Oliver uneral Apart jnents No 1501 Colonial avenue SUNDAY ATERNOON at 4 riends of the family are invited to attend Interment orest Lawn cemetery It 7 nAWSON' TWA ATTaTlQTA MTTrVP I At a local hospital Thursday evening Jan 7 1943 at MRS LENA MILLER DAWSON in the H2nd year of her age uneral nervlces wilt be i f'miilllE'tOfl It tliA futigsral zhnTtzl nf ToniAa Derry JL920 Colley avenue corner of Barr nxton day afte hnoon i aL clock ri(uid of the family are invited to attend Interment Elmwood Cemetery RICARDO GEORGIA At the residence 254 Green street Norview 1 Iriday atternoon January 8 1943 at 5 11) o'clock GEORGIA HERBERT RI CARDO widow of rank Ricardo in the 77th year of her age uneral services will be conducted at the Hollomon Brown (uneral Home SUNDAY ATERNOON January 10 1943 at 4:30 o'clock riends ef the family invited Io attend Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery a9 2t 1 NELSON VIOLA KAREN Al the resilience 832 West orty eighth street Thursday atternoon January 7 at 6:05 VIOLA KAREN 1'4 AUGUSTA NELSON daughter of Bertha Peterson Nelson and the late Charles Ri Nelson in the 33rd year of her age neral services will be conducted at the Hollomon Brown uneral Home SUNDAY ATERNOON January 10 1943 at 3 30 clock riends of the family Invited to attend Burial will be in orest Lawn cemetery Ja8 2t DRESSMAKING Alterations: lur cloth coats altered relined Mrs I' Ings 113 14th St Dial 38801 RIDERS Wanted from Pamlico or Li section to supply depot 8 a tn to 5 ahtft Dial 8 after fl RIDERS Wanted from airmount section to Navy Yard 7 a to 4 shift Dial 30938 SUPERLUOUS Moles aru manently removed Mrs Grace I ett 103 Merrim ack Apts Dial 41 SUPEHLUOUS Removed 't by multiple electrolysis Dial S7 Ida Sauntlcra 54'J New Monroe 1 CVRLY TOP BEAUTY SHOP Special price for permanent $150 1 and up 501 Monroe Bldg Dial 31 BEVROLET Piekup good mechanical condition: 5 good tires Phone Mr Beasley S7311 ORD 1933 model long wheelbase closed body: new motor: less than 5000 miles excellent condition: rood tires with spare state license Dial 45387 Good Used Reasonably Priced GRIIN MOTOR CO 4 '2 Granbv St Dial 22804 BARGAINS IN 1942 MODELS 142 Chevrolet special de luxe town redan: radio heater black finish only 8900 miles spare new 42 Pontiae de luxe sedanette: radio heater: blue finish 7000 miles spare never used a 1 Priority Order Required! COLONIAL CHEVROLET CORP Bonsh Street and Olney Road I Ial 37071 Open Evenings Until ft YOU CAN BUY ANY ONE THESE LATE MODELS 1 WITHOUT A PRIORITY 1 Buick club convertible coupe De solo tie luxe seuan 1 Plymouth convertible coupe Dodjte club coupe Oldsmobile club coupe Dodge two door sedan Plymouth sedan A Chevrolet club coupe NICK WRIGHT MOTOR CO 21st St Corner Colonial Ave Plat 4a i' Trucks or Sale NTIAC 1041 8" de luxe sedanette: inly 5000 miles (Pare never UMd baa ill the equipment any car could pomi Iy have beautiful tuucarrcd finish: ike new inside and out Colonial Chev olet Corp Boush St and Olney Pd Mai 27071 Open evenings until 0 1942 Streamliner 5 passenger oupe: completely equipped Including new eeat cover: 5 practically new tires: only 8300 mile and like new Meektns Motor Co Inc Monticello Ave at 14th St 1941 Streamliner de luxe two door sedan low mileage tires like new beautiful two tone finish without a scratch radio: healer and full de luxe equipment real buy Meekins Motor Co 'f irTifc Inc Monticello Ave at 14 th St 'NTIAC 1941 four door sedan This car has had exceptionally good care and i 1 fust like new Park Ave Garage 1021 Park Ave comer Armstrong St Brambleton Dial 37818 1NTIAC 1941 maroon streamliner tor Ji pedo Mwaseuger sedanette: er and other accessories: extra low mile age: car and tires like new $1250 Cail Portsmouth 6145 'jiWsr 1NTIAC 1041 ''8' four door de luxe black sedan: A condition: private owner radio heater and accesacries: new urea Dial 24470 after 8 11 1039 Commander sedan: radio heater: 5 good white sidewalls tires low mileage $800 Dial 47280 tier 8 Sundays 'UDEBAKER 1941 Champion excel lent condition: good tires: radio heater seat covers private party Dial 34220 42 Packard Clipper tudor: almost uw wonderful tires eleetrotnatic dnVe: $1 BOO 1939 LaSalle sedan newly painted: excellent fires motorola radio fog lights etc $800 Cali Lt Bam in 28251 extension 2110 2 Cards of Thanks 'i The family the late 'Mrs Na Abdell McLean wishes to ex their sincere thanks and apprecu to their friends for their expres: of sympathy shown them in recent bereavement? Also for era and for use of automobiles SALTPARTS SERVrt General Truck Sales Co 21st St and Manteo St Dial 41210 2A Auto Trailers Coaches 2A tANSTRATOR House trailer new anil used cheapest finance in town We alto buy your car or trailer Cash waitm uw Hudson George Washington High 1 way Take Gllmerton Highland Park Community bus Portsmouth Ya Phon Holly 39 23 OUSE TRAILER 18 foot Covered Wagon good tree: cheap for quick rl sale 3824 Powhatan Ave Dial 33UG0 ill'SE TRAU Bargain ur gcreon 1520 Colon Ave i After 438 nt phone Berkley 3014 OUSE TRAILER American stage coaih 23 feet long: fully equipped: modern conveniences Apply to 350 Campostella Road Leatherwood Route 460 OUSE TRAILERS Popular make: large stock now usedr buy ell trade: easy term Edgerton Trailer Co 1400 Monticello Ave Dial 22078 1942 Continental on display at 1 Hudson Trailer Camp 2 mile south of Cradock Rout 17 Portamouth Roy Ballon Jr RULER or sale' 2 good tires 4138 Second 3t East portlock NOTICE Please talto notice that on the 20th day January 1943 the undersigned will np ply io the Virginia Alcoholic Beverag ontrol Board for retail license to sei beer mid wine for on and olf premise consumption at 1408 Colley avenue Nor folk Va JTMMIE'SSANDWICH SHOP Ik rrv 1 VIRGINIA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 01 Norfolk: on January 8 1943 Pencic irginla Weeks Complaman i vs a John Henry McMullen Weeks Defendan i IN CHANCERY The object ot this suit is for the complain ant Peneie Virginia Weeks to obtain divorce a vinculo matrimonii from th defendant on the grounds of deserlto for iiiorn than a period of two yean and affidavit having been made tha the defendant is a non resident of th I State of lrgima he Is hereby require to appear within ten dava after due put hcation thereof and do what mav necessary fo protect his Interest It i further ordered that this order of pu) hi ation be published once a week fr four weeks in tho Norfolk Tx dgi Du patch a newspaper of general circul st? tion in the Citv of Norfolk Virginia Teste: CECH ROBERTSON Clerk By A GRAY Major Hillard JaO ltaw 4 STOCK MKETlNtl The Annual Meeting of the Stockholi era of the Colony Building AssocfiLtlon Inc will be held at the office of the No 501 McKevli Building Norfolk Virginia on Wet nesday Afternoon January 27 4 HOGGARD Secretary rank Kiliam President Jan9 1( STOCKHOLDERS MEETING MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BAN Norfolk Va Jan 5 1943 The regular annual meeting of th stockholders oLrthis bank will held at its banking house No 22 risWest Berkley avenue Norfolk Vs on Wednesday Jan 20 1843 at 1 noon HOWARD MARTIN Vice President and Cashier Ja7 tdm LEGAL NOTICE SALE AND PUBC1IASE AND RESTAURANT 3701 PARKEK AVE NOROLK VIRGINIA Notice is hereby given that the derslgned having purchased tl business operated under the nan of and Restaurant at 371 Parker avenue that the business be operated in the future by tl undersigned the sole owner und the trade name of Connnuni Restaurant 1 GEORGE POLITES Jan8 5t MEETING National Bank of Commerce of Norfolk Norfolk Va December 12 191 The regular annual meeting of stockholders of this bank will 1 held at its banking house No 3(K Main Street Norfolk Virginia Tuesday January 12 1943 betwe the hours of 12 and 2 the election of Directors and such other business as may proper come before it ETHERIDGE declS tdm Cashier VIRGINIA: IN THE OICE the Circuit Court of tho City of Norfoi on the 31t day of December 1042' Ruth Zwirn Savage Complains vs Jack Savage Defend IN CHANCERY The object of thin suit ia for lhe compla: ont to obtain from the defendant an a nulment upon the ground that co plainant at the time of the marrin ceremony was incapable of entering in valid contract on account ot intoxii tton and affidavit having been ma that clue diligence has been used by a on bchatt of complainant to ascertain what i ountv or corporation defendant without i ttect i 1 hereby reqinrM appear within ten day after due put cation: hereof and do i what may necessarv to protect In interest Teste: CECIL cl rk By It HANCKEL: 1 Lysle Levine ja2lt aw I lies 1 Hl 4x A ma I niir I TXu rr NV Wss os 1 1 1 Tl i i 1 Ik ST I ST3 Vi XV 'I 1 YI 7 4 I i sM It'V'i S' USeH UA 'a 4 xJ A 4 1 A' 1 i ip 1" 7 a A AWMOUNCBMPm 8 A Special Notice 8A II OR Send a vase or basket of our fresh flowers to convalescents or as an a anniversary or birthday gifL 'Nar 35? cissus bulbs Chinese Lanterns Newton Conservatories lorists ah Colonial Ave at 24th St Dial 21656 HERMAN'S DUTCH KITCHEN P1 Princess Anne Rd Just off Granby pac All street cars stop at our corner Luncheon Dinner 7 8 a to 0:30 10 Lost ound Straved 10 Gold with floral design: lout PAC between downtown and airmount Park reward Dial 48008 Si COCKER SPANIEL Black female loot: PAC STA Colley Alt reward Dial nr iQ'te 1 Aqua box loet PACswolwoi Dial 84828 9 to 5 tn lil Mrx Dugan Lost on Chrtatma Day one alick Ey haired white dog with one brown spot ei behind shoulder and right ear ehriveled about 9 month old part bull and ai weighs 30 pounds: left wearing collar ot with large liras brad with name plate torn off: $10 reward lor return of same suv Phone 473 ranklin PL' OUNTAIN PEN Lot Parkro" 51 be tween Portsmouth and Berkley or sentimentil reasons inder please phone a Portsmouth 4340 and receive reward tr i PEKINGESE Yellowish tan male lost in pta Norview Liberal reward 4913 Paleq Rd nr Dial 48146 a PUPPY Strayed from 152 Bal view Ave ci Ocean View brown and white please return 2 WIRE Male white PL1 ith hlack spou tan lace answers i lost from Oakdale arms ti ThiirMtay rrward Dial S5102 pLi I WRIST 'WATCH Gold initialed in hoppw district or nearby streets 8 Reward Dtnl 52S24 WRIST WATCH Helbra chronometer A rriiy leather strap about Jan 1 Knm Martin Rooney Phone Portsmouth 9194 pq WALLET Brown lost Liberal reward Dial 21219 a li AUTOMOTIVE PO it 1 1 Automobiles or Sale II BUICK 1940 Limited four door touring sedan: seat covers: extra good tires ex 1 it optionally clean inside and out a real fiue car priced right 747 Granby St po it or Dial 27011 BUICK 1911 5 pusenger sedan original black paint I like new spotlese In 1 tenor radio and heater: practically new General white eidewall tire driven only 1 18000 miles Priced for quick sale PO it UavaUcr Motors Inc 108 Bute St 8 BUICK 1940 special tour door sedan with 1 xl radio and heater General white Idewall tires like new vety clean throughout perfect motor real buy $745 Dial PO 41333 i BUICK 1918 four door sedan very low 1 ir mileage: paint and lire good a now: I mechanically perfect Dial 3143 4 after a 5 pc 1938 five passenger two 'oor dan with heater original paint very zL' good tiros: has had best of care ami is unusually clean: mechanically A ST and guarameeu: only $575 Bmck il Corp Granby St nt 15th Dial 21875 9 BUICK 1917 5 paesenger sport coupe 5 es cXiTPtloiially good tire: radio heater ST tt good mechanical condition: has been given excellent care city and State tags: nt privately owned Phone Portsmouth Va 341 after 6:30 wook day or anytime Sunday BUICK 1919 small series 5 passenter two door sedan a nice car with excellent tires ail around and In first class condi tion throughout: very clean Inside: per feet paint: only $675 Perry Bulckt Corp Granbv St at 15th Dial 21675 77 le 1941 super 4 door lee'tllne pe dan: only 12000 mile and tire perfect: jg 28 full de luxe equipment Including radio a and heater can't told from new I I Colonial Chevrolet Corp Boush St and so Olney Road Dial 27071 Open evening until 9 BUICK 1940 Limited four door touring codan: seat cover: extra good tires ex optionally clean inside and out: a real line car priced right 747 Granby St DI or Dial 27011 1940 master de luxe 4 door vs sport: sedan exceptionally clean inside 1 and out: perfect paint tire show little wear like now mechanically only ln $750 Virginia Motor and Sale Corp he lllh 111 Ornby St Dial 23203 or 46951 nc 1941 special de luxe tour a door sport sedan unscarred original gray Yj finish heater: spotles inside set of almost new tires perfect running ne condition real buy at $995 Norfolkcr Motor Co (nc 1 Caaillac Oldsmobile 'ty Dealer 905 Granby St 1935 coach: run good: good tire cheap Culhrell' corner I Charlntln St and Monticello Ave 1938 two door sedan good condition: excellent tires: heater hus band gone to 137 A Eilers St 1 Benmoreell 1910 special de luxe town sedan 5 extra good tirea: exceptionally oe clean upholstery nice paint: mechan 5 2 ically cheeked and guaranteed extra spe on dal at only $695 Perry Buick Corp on Granbv St at 15th or Dial 21675 for Sedan 1938 new battery for good tires good motor State license rly included Bargain Privately owned Ap 1 plv Gulf Station 21st and Colley Dial 47683 1936 coach: 5 rood radio motor perfect condition good transportation car private owner Dial Ik 51945 1941 Special de luxe four mi door sedan: privately owned in perfect 'j condition: five excellent tires one never 7 mt used radio and heater A big value 1 Dial 44263 after 5 DE 1 SOTO 1936 coupe: 4 pasaengerni model: good tire and motor recently ife overhauled: here' splendid transports 1 tion for only $146 Perry Buick Corp ca Granby St at 15th Dial 21675 ide 1937 two door sedan beater: md radio 6 good tires perfect condition: in $350 Apply after 5 arber: Gov I eminent Defense Trailer 43 Highland to Park Portsmouth be Model A four door sedan: good pamt and upholstery: 5 real good tires run perfect Must be seen to appro eirite Cash? $125 8t)5 Mam St Dial 4 29192 xs ORD 11)41 super de luxe a nice car fully equipped and with many ex tras including radio heater fog light spotlight: practically new sei of ire 2 stone tire: perfect paint and nphol sterj See this at $895 Norfolk Meter Co Inc 1 Cadillac Oldsmobile Dealer 2 nle B(5 Granbv St xi ess yqjip super de luxe good tires Ion radio Phone Berkley 1295 ans '5 1P41 de luxe tudor touring sedan JM with radio and heater: tires show hardly It any wear perfect original black finish: I a clean ear and specially priced at $825 3 Buick Corp Granby St at 15th Dial 21675 7 ORD Well kept de luxe four door 1941 eod in 5 excel lent tires: heater radio Will not accept i ule Dial 81219 1 an' ORD 1919 de luxe tudor sedan: radio nnrt heater $400 Dial 82415 after 6 ORDS Model coaches sedans luck up trucks good motor and tires closing out: ritieing Stine North Ave I 'Phone 26342 Richmond Va 1939 coupe ditveti 30000 miles in excellent condition radio healer seafoam cushion 6 good Gen ax ersl tire Dial 211)12 1939 2 loor sedan radio 5 nt good tires: perfect condition Phone 549 Berkley 1825 MERCURY Convertible late 1940 new4 tires radio heater maroon leather up land holsterv: state and city tags automatic top reason for selling going to sea Call Sesoom 21204 17 Selden 1 'Arcade pixhts or Sunday 36363 MERCURY STATION WAGON 1941 model driven only 10000 miles: tires "Ji motor and body like new A real bar 1 itch ram at the price Cavalier Motors Inc 108 Bute St 1940 clean radio heater good tirex Must sacrifice leaving town 1019 327 airitx Ate to 12 1941 club coupe ha radio heater: lire are Ilk new origt nal blue paint and upholstery is per I feet See this before you buy Cavalier per Motors Inc 108 Bute St 'JTn' OLDSMOBILE 11)36 4 door sedan first class condition owner Navy officer ever Dial 38536 (Apply 1124 39th St OLDSMOBILE 1941 de luxe four door slt! leetllne sedan with hydramatie drive only 13000 mile and tires like new 350 gleaming maroon finish spotles inside: St5 real bargain Colonial Chevrolet Corp Boush St and Olney Rd iDial 27071 1 tpin evening until 9 lifer QLDSMOBILE 19 tl two door tmr wtth iug dan practically new 'et of tlrv: aljty nnscarrrd tiuih: so spotlr in du veu can't tell it from new cquipnod with push button radio and extra spe cial at only $995 Norfolk Motor Inc Cmbilac Oldsmobiie Dealer 905 Granby it 1 now I I.
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