Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (2025)

Instant free information based on the treatment and diagnosis of millions of People Like You.

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (1) Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (2)

  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (3)

    Licensed providers

  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (4)

    9M+ users, 50k+ ratings

  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (5)

    Available 24/7 in 48 states

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  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (6)
  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (7)
  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (8)
  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (9)
  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (10)
  • Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (11)

You tell us what’s wrong. Then it’s our turn.

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (12)

You feel sick

Open the K Health app and tell us what’s going on. We’ll ask the necessary questions to provide you with information on what might be wrong.

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (13)

We give you the details

Using our combined knowledge from millions of medical records and thousands of doctors, we instantly show you how others were diagnosed and treated.

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (14)

Together, we take action

We’ll tell you about common treatments and what to watch out for. If you want to chat with our medical team, you can connect with someone instantly in the app.

Try it for free

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (15)

“We’re democratizing the world’s healthcare information because you should have access to the best out there, and be able to act on it on your own terms 24/7.”

Ran Shaul

Chief Product Officer

How we’re so smart

Powered by data

Our app sorts through the anonymous medical data of millions and compares it to what you enter into the Symptom Checker.

Efficient and thorough

By asking the right questions, we can help lead you in the right direction.

Always learning

With the help of our data scientists, 100+ clinicians and millions of users, our platform gets smarter every time it’s used.

Industry collaborations

We work with some of the world’s top leaders in healthcare including the Mayo Clinic Platform, Anthem, and Maccabi Health Services.



Examples of what we can diagnose and treat remotely

  • Back and neck pain
  • Cold and flu symptoms
  • Dental infections
  • Fatigue
  • Indigestion
  • Rashes
  • UTIs
  • Sinusitis
  • Asthma
  • Allergies

and hundreds more chronic and urgent conditions


Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (16)

Our Symptom Checker gives you the info to help you decide if…

  • you should take over-the-counter meds or need a prescription

  • it’s another UTI or something more serious

  • your headache is just a headache

  • you can be treated remotely by a K Health-affiliated clinician

  • you should go see someone in person


Avoid the stressful search for answers

Check your symptoms

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (17)

Frequently asked questions

How much does the Symptom Checker cost?

It’s free! Just download the K Health app and use the Symptom Checker 24/7, as often as you need.

If you want to chat with a medical provider, you can sign up for our unlimited membership for $49 for your first month (then billed in advance 3 months at a time) or pay $73 for a one-time visit.

What are the benefits of using the Symptom Checker?

The Symptom Checker provides you with information that can help you decide whether or not you can save yourself a trip to the doctor’s office (and a copay).So if someone has a sudden headache or a late-night fever, they can get instant peace-of-mind about what actually could be wrong, and if they can be treated from home.

While it doesn’t provide a definitive diagnosis or treatment recommendation, it does empower you with free, personalized information and an idea of what you can do next, which could be to connect with a clinician right on the K Health app.

When you start a chat with a clinician, they’ll be armed with data from the Symptom Checker.This allows them to speed up your diagnosis and prescribe you treatment quickly and affordably.

Learn more about our AI.

How is K Health different from other telemedicine apps?

K Health uses AI to connect the anonymous medical data of millions of people to help inform others about their health.

Realistically, no one person can thoroughly treat millions of patients—and if they did, unless they had a photographic memory, they wouldn’t remember every detail of every visit.

We’ve built a web of information about people’s health that’s bigger, more detailed, and more accessible than anything else out there.

As a bonus, we’ve also made it more affordable to provide medical care, and you don’t even need to have insurance.

How does the Symptom Checker work and what are its limitations?

During a structured dynamic conversation or interview with our Health AI, approximately 25 questions are asked over 5 minutes to collect information about users’ symptoms, demographics, medical history, risk factors, and other related information.

The conditions presented on the screen at the end of the health chat are ordered by the estimated prevalence of the conditions in our database in relation to the symptoms and attributes reported during the health chat. The list is a) not exhaustive and b) does not constitute a diagnosis. Explore more here.

Online Symptom Checker: Personalized Health Answers for Free - K Health (2025)


What is the best free online symptom checker? ›

Symptom Checkers
  • Ada. Incredibly well designed and accurate symptom checker. ...
  • Buoy. Buoy is an AI-powered chat-based symptom checker. ...
  • Isabel. Relied upon by doctors and nurses around the world. ...
  • Symptomate. Powered by Infermedica. ...
  • WebMD Symptom Checker. Most popular online symptom checker with interactive body map.

What is the most advanced symptom checker? ›

Clinical studies show Ada is the most accurate symptom checker app. We protect your data in accordance with the highest data protection standards.

Is there an app to list symptoms and get diagnosis? ›

You can check your symptoms online 24/7 and find out possible causes. Whatever's bothering you, from pain, headache, or anxiety to allergy or food intolerance, the free Ada app (symptom checker) could help you find answers from the comfort of your home.

What is the free NHS symptom checker? ›

If you're not sure what condition you have, or how severe it is, you can use the NHS 111 symptom checker. The checker will: Answer questions about your main symptoms. Help you find when and where to get help.

What is the free app to track medical symptoms? ›

Is Bearable free? Yes. You can track an unlimited amount of custom symptoms, moods, and other health metrics for free as well as having access to weekly reports and a customisable graph that enables you to identify correlations between changes in health and your habits/treatment.

What is the free symptom app? ›

"If you're experiencing symptoms but don't know why, try the Symple solution." FREE VERSION: Track up to 5 symptoms in just seconds per day. Track up to 5 factors that influence how you feel.

Why should I stop Googling my symptoms? ›

Diseases Are Complicated

Some symptoms can overlap many different diagnoses, all of which can range in severity. Without the proper training and context, it's all but impossible for you to determine the real cause of your symptoms. For instance, let's say you have a runny nose, a cough, and a headache.

Do doctors recommend Googling symptoms? ›

Google has no knowledge of your medical history, what prescriptions you are taking or other personal factors that are important to a correct diagnosis. And one of the most pressing issues regarding online self-diagnosis is that it may prevent you from getting the actual help you need.

Should I be Googling my symptoms? ›

Cyberchondria – it's a real thing!

Self-diagnosis is a bad idea as Google will often lead you down that dangerous path of a 'life-threatening' condition when in reality your ailment is most likely something very common.

What is the best website to ask medical questions? ›

MedlinePlus is the health information website from the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Find guidance you can trust about medical conditions, treatments, testing, medications, and more.

What is the app for chronic illness symptom tracking? ›

mySymptoms lets users record food, drink, medication, stress, exercise, environmental factors, energy, sleep quality, bowel movements, and other specific symptoms (including intensity, duration, and other notes), and can export that data in a variety of formats. mySymptoms is available on iOS and Android.

How accurate is symptom checker? ›

Direct Comparison of Symptom Checkers' Triage Accuracy in 2015 and 2020. The median overall triage accuracy of all symptom checkers in our data set from 2020 (55.8%, IQR 15.1%; N=22) is close to the median triage accuracy of the apps in 2015 by Semigran et al [23] (59.1%, IQR 15.5%; N=15).

Is the AskMD app free? ›

Sharecare's app, AskMD (free), is all about tracking your general health and wellness.

What is the most common illness? ›

Common Illnesses
  • Allergies.
  • Colds and Flu.
  • Conjunctivitis ("pink eye“)
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headaches.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • Stomach Aches.

Is 111 free? ›

Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobile phones, so it won't cost you a penny. 6. Is the NHS 111 service available 24/7? Yes, NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

What is the most trusted health website? ›

MedlinePlus is the health information website from the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Find guidance you can trust about medical conditions, treatments, testing, medications, and more.

What is the most accurate health website? ›

The National Institutes of Health website is a good place to start for reliable health information. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website is another one. As a rule, health websites sponsored by federal government agencies are accurate sources of information.

Is it good to search your symptoms on Google? ›

Google has no knowledge of your medical history, what prescriptions you are taking or other personal factors that are important to a correct diagnosis. And one of the most pressing issues regarding online self-diagnosis is that it may prevent you from getting the actual help you need.

Is the WebMD symptom checker accurate? ›

The WebMD symptom checker was most frequently used and was assessed in eight studies. The primary diagnostic accuracy of WebMD ranged from 3 to 53% across a variety of medical conditions that were assessed in eight included studies (Table ​3)1,22.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 5273

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.