The New Adventures of He-Man Characters - Comic Vine (2024)

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    The New Adventures of He-Man Characters - Comic Vine (1)

    Series »

    The legendary hero of Eternia is called to the planet Primus to fight against mutants.

    Short summary describing this series.


    • He-Man 65 Prince Adam, is the seemingly worry and careless prince of the planet Eternia, but he really is He-Man, "The Most Powerful Man in the Universe" and brave champion of Eternia, He-Man battles Skeletor and the forces of evil to bring peace to the universe along with his trusty companion Battle Cat and The Masters of the Universe.
    • Skeletor 61 A self proclaimed Overlord of Evil, is the sworn enemy of He-Man. Skeletor is the embodiment of evil. His own corruption is what turned him into his present form.
    • The Sorceress 16 The Sorceress is the guard of Castle Greyskull and the powers of King Greyskull which she gave to Prince Adam to become He-Man. She is also the mother of Teela.
    • Flogg 11 Leader of a band of space pirates that comes into conflict with He-Man.
    • Flipshot 11 Ace pilot that aligned with He-Man to battle the forces of Skeletor.
    • Hydron 11 Member of the Galactic Guardians lead by He-Man. We specializes in underwater missions.
    • Slush Head 11 Member of Flogg's mutant pirate crew.
    • Karatti 8
    • Crita 7
    • Mara 6
    • Hoove 6
    • Lizorr 6 Memeber of Flogg's space pirates crew.
    • Quakke 5 Member of Frogg's mutant pirate crew.
    • Vizar 5
    • Optikk 4 Member of Flogg's mutant pirate crew.
    • Kayo 4 Member of the Galactic Guardians of Primus
    • Nocturna 3
    • Sagitar 3
    • Staghorn 3
    • Tuskador 2
    • Spinwit 2
    • Artilla 2
    • Queen Marlena 1 Marlena is a human who on a space voyage shipwrecked and ended up Wife to Randor, Queen of Eternia, and the mother of He-Man and She-Ra.
    • Butthead 1
    • Teela 1 He-Man's oldest ally and childhood friend. Although she is raised by Man-At-Arms, her true parentage is hidden from her, as she is actually the sorceress' daughter. She later takes on the power of the sorceress of Grayskull.

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    The New Adventures of He-Man Characters - Comic Vine (28)

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