Tips for Edit Physics config (2024)

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index (use Ctrl + f and search it)

- I don't want breasts to sag
- I don't want breasts to sag or jello even when lying
- I don't want breasts to be flat when run
- How do you weaken or disable Belly Bulge?
- How do you edit vagina physics with Pelvis collision?
- How do you edit vagina collision when directly collision not the Pelvis collision
- How do you edit the anus collision?
- How do you edit the anus collider position?
- How do you change belly bulge collision to directly collision instead of Spine1 collision
- How do you edit belly bulge collision when directly collision not the Spine1 collision
- I want to edit breasts push up effect when wearing an armor or clothes
- I want to edit breasts bounce when wearing an armor or clothes
- I want to reduce bounce
- How do you edit spread of breasts to less?
- How do you reduce strange bounce when colliding?
- How do you fix that legs are shaking infinitely
- How do you increase sensitivity of collision?
- How do you use SMP for anus?


The description of CBPC config files for edit


- don't use


- related breasts bouncy of 3BA body

- related auto breasts push up and reduce breasts movement strength of 3BA body when wearing armor and clothes

- related breasts sag of 3BA body by gravity

- related breasts more sag effect of 3BA body when lying down

- related breasts movementstrength

- related breasts movemnt of CBBE body

- related auto breasts push up and reduce breasts movement strength of CBBE body when wearing armor and clothes

- related breasts sag of CBBE body by gravity

- related breasts more sag effect of CBBE body when lying down

- related belly movement

- related belly movement strength

- related butt movement

- related butt movementstrength

- related Front thigh, Rear thigh, Rear calf movement

- related Front thigh, Rear thigh, Rear calfmovementstrength

- related penis movement

- related scroum movement

- related vagina physics for vagina collisions

- related Female NPCs and Female Player collision

- related Male NPCs and Male Player collision

These files are in the SKSE/Plugins path

- I don't want breasts to sag

1. Open the SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b_Gravity.txt file

ExtraBreast1L.gravityCorrection -0.4 -0.4
ExtraBreast2L.gravityCorrection -0.3 -0.3
ExtraBreast3L.gravityCorrection -0.2 -0.2

ExtraBreast1R.gravityCorrection -0.4 -0.4
ExtraBreast2R.gravityCorrection -0.3 -0.3
ExtraBreast3R.gravityCorrection -0.2 -0.2

2. find these lines forgravityCorrection
3. edit values topositive values

ExtraBreast1L.gravityCorrection 0.4 0.4
ExtraBreast2L.gravityCorrection 0.3 0.3
ExtraBreast3L.gravityCorrection 0.2 0.2

ExtraBreast1R.gravityCorrection 0.4 0.4
ExtraBreast2R.gravityCorrection 0.3 0.3
ExtraBreast3R.gravityCorrection 0.2 0.2

like this

- I don't want breasts to sag or jello even when lying

1. Open the SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b_MoreGravity.txt file

ExtraBreast1L.gravityInvertedCorrection -4.0 -4.0
ExtraBreast2L.gravityInvertedCorrection -5.5 -5.5
ExtraBreast3L.gravityInvertedCorrection -0.6 -0.6
ExtraBreast1R.gravityInvertedCorrection -4.0 -4.0
ExtraBreast2R.gravityInvertedCorrection -5.5 -5.5
ExtraBreast3R.gravityInvertedCorrection -0.6 -0.6

2. find these lines forgravityInvertedCorrection
3. edit values to 0

ExtraBreast1L.gravityInvertedCorrection 0 0
ExtraBreast2L.gravityInvertedCorrection 0 0
ExtraBreast3L.gravityInvertedCorrection 0 0
ExtraBreast1R.gravityInvertedCorrection 0 0
ExtraBreast2R.gravityInvertedCorrection 0 0
ExtraBreast3R.gravityInvertedCorrection 0 0

like this

- I don't want breasts to be flat when run

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b.txt file

ExtraBreast1L.Yminoffset -0.8 -0.8
ExtraBreast2L.Yminoffset -0.8 -0.8
ExtraBreast3L.Yminoffset -0.8 -0.8

ExtraBreast1R.Yminoffset -0.8 -0.8
ExtraBreast2R.Yminoffset -0.8 -0.8
ExtraBreast3R.Yminoffset -0.8 -0.8

2. find these lines for Yminoffset
3. Increase values, but don't enter positive numbers

- I want to exchange movement of 0 weight and movement of 1 weight

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_*.txt filesabout body part that you want to edit
2. Exchange values with each other in all parameters

LFrontThigh.stiffnessX 0.015 0.03
LFrontThigh.stiffnessY 0.015 0.03
LFrontThigh.stiffnessZ 0.015 0.03
LRearThigh.stiffnessX 0.015 0.03
LRearThigh.stiffnessY 0.015 0.03
LRearThigh.stiffnessZ 0.015 0.03
LRearCalf.stiffnessX 0.015 0.03
LRearCalf.stiffnessY 0.015 0.03
LRearCalf.stiffnessZ 0.015 0.03

edit this like next

LFrontThigh.stiffnessX 0.03 0.015
LFrontThigh.stiffnessY 0.03 0.015
LFrontThigh.stiffnessZ 0.03 0.015
LRearThigh.stiffnessX 0.03 0.015
LRearThigh.stiffnessY 0.03 0.015
LRearThigh.stiffnessZ 0.03 0.015
LRearCalf.stiffnessX 0.03 0.015
LRearCalf.stiffnessY 0.03 0.015
LRearCalf.stiffnessZ 0.03 0.015

you have to edit all values andedit all files for body part you want
if you want know files related to body part
Look at top of this article

-How do you weaken or disable Belly Bulge?

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt file


2. find these lines and reduce values

if you want to weaken belly bulge, reduce BellyBulge value
if you want to disable belly bulge, edit BellyBulge value to 0

- How do you edit vagina physics with Pelvis collision?

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt file


2. find these line and reduce or increase this value

if you want to makeless vagina open, reduce this value
if you want to make more vagina open, increase this value

- How do you edit vagina collision when directly collision not the Pelvis collision

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_Vagina.txt file

VaginaB.collisionXmaxoffset 0.1
VaginaB.collisionXminoffset -0.1
VaginaB.collisionYmaxoffset 0.1
VaginaB.collisionYminoffset -100
VaginaB.collisionZmaxoffset 0.5
VaginaB.collisionZminoffset -0.5
VaginaB.collisionMultipler 3.5

Clit.collisionXmaxoffset 0.1
Clit.collisionXminoffset -0.1
Clit.collisionYmaxoffset 2.0
Clit.collisionYminoffset -0.5
Clit.collisionZmaxoffset 1.0
Clit.collisionZminoffset -1.0
Clit.collisionMultipler 3.0

LLabia.collisionXmaxoffset 0.1
LLabia.collisionXminoffset -100
LLabia.collisionYmaxoffset 0.5
LLabia.collisionYminoffset -0.5
LLabia.collisionZmaxoffset 0.5
LLabia.collisionZminoffset -0.5
LLabia.collisionMultipler 4.0

RLabia.collisionXmaxoffset 100
RLabia.collisionXminoffset -0.1
RLabia.collisionYmaxoffset 0.5
RLabia.collisionYminoffset -0.5
RLabia.collisionZmaxoffset 0.5
RLabia.collisionZminoffset -0.5
RLabia.collisionMultipler 4.0

2. find these lines and edit these values

collisionMultipler issimilar to VaginaOpeningMultiplier in CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt
collisionX/Y/Zmax/minoffset are similar to VaginaOpeningLimit in CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt

- How do you edit the anus collision?

1. OpenSKSE/Plugins/CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txtfile


2. find these line and reduce or increase this value

if you want to makeless anus open, reduce this value
if you want to make more anus open, increase this value

- How do you edit the anus collider position?

1. OpenSKSE/Plugins/CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txtfile

0,-6,-2,1.75 | 0,-6,-2,1.75

2. find these line and edit the position
CBPC - Physics with CollisionsYou can refer to pdf guide on CBPC page
In this case, it is based on the position of the Anal node in the skeleton instead body/armor mesh

- How do you change belly bulge collision to directly collision instead of Spine1 collision

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPCMasterConfig.txt file
That file is probably in CBPC mod

HDT Belly=Belly=IsFemale()

2. find this line and add "#" toprefix

#HDT Belly=Belly=IsFemale()
like this

3. then Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPCMasterConfig_3BA.txt file

HDT Belly=HDTBelly=IsFemale()

4. find this line and add "#" to prefix

#HDT Belly=HDTBelly=IsFemale()
like this

- How do you edit belly bulge collision when directly collision not the Spine1 collision

1.Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_belly.txt file

Belly.collisionMultipler 3.0 3.0

Belly.collisionXmaxoffset 0.5 0.5
Belly.collisionXminoffset -0.5 -0.5
Belly.collisionYmaxoffset 100 100
Belly.collisionYminoffset -0.5 -0.5
Belly.collisionZmaxoffset 1.0 1.0
Belly.collisionZminoffset -1.0 -1.0

2. find these lines and edit these values

collisionMultipler is similar toBellyBulge in CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt
collisionX/Y/Zmax/minoffset are similar to BellyBulgeMax in CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt

- I want to edit breasts push up effectwhen wearing an armor or clothes

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b_armor.txt file

ExtraBreast1L.breastClothedPushup 0.5 0.5
ExtraBreast2L.breastClothedPushup 0.5 0.5
ExtraBreast3L.breastClothedPushup 0.5 0.5
ExtraBreast1L.breastLightArmoredPushup 1.0 1.0
ExtraBreast2L.breastLightArmoredPushup 1.0 1.0
ExtraBreast3L.breastLightArmoredPushup 1.0 1.0
ExtraBreast1L.breastHeavyArmoredPushup 1.5 1.5
ExtraBreast2L.breastHeavyArmoredPushup 1.5 1.5
ExtraBreast3L.breastHeavyArmoredPushup 1.5 1.5

ExtraBreast1R.breastClothedPushup 0.5 0.5
ExtraBreast2R.breastClothedPushup 0.5 0.5
ExtraBreast3R.breastClothedPushup 0.5 0.5
ExtraBreast1R.breastLightArmoredPushup 1.0 1.0
ExtraBreast2R.breastLightArmoredPushup 1.0 1.0
ExtraBreast3R.breastLightArmoredPushup 1.0 1.0
ExtraBreast1R.breastHeavyArmoredPushup 1.5 1.5
ExtraBreast2R.breastHeavyArmoredPushup 1.5 1.5
ExtraBreast3R.breastHeavyArmoredPushup 1.5 1.5

2. find these lines and reduce or increase values

ClothedPushup is push up effect when wearing clothes
LightArmoredPushup is push up effect when wearing Light armor
HeavyArmoredPushup is push up effect when wearing Heavy armor

If you increase this value, the push up effect becomes more
If you reduce this value, the push up effect becomes less

- I want to editbreasts bouncewhen wearing an armor or clothes

1. OpenSKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b_armor.txtfile

ExtraBreast1L.breastClothedAmplitude 0.9 0.9
ExtraBreast2L.breastClothedAmplitude 0.9 0.9
ExtraBreast3L.breastClothedAmplitude 0.9 0.9
ExtraBreast1L.breastLightArmoredAmplitude 0.8 0.8
ExtraBreast2L.breastLightArmoredAmplitude 0.8 0.8
ExtraBreast3L.breastLightArmoredAmplitude 0.8 0.8
ExtraBreast1L.breastHeavyArmoredAmplitude 0.7 0.7
ExtraBreast2L.breastHeavyArmoredAmplitude 0.7 0.7
ExtraBreast3L.breastHeavyArmoredAmplitude 0.7 0.7

ExtraBreast1R.breastClothedAmplitude 0.9 0.9
ExtraBreast2R.breastClothedAmplitude 0.9 0.9
ExtraBreast3R.breastClothedAmplitude 0.9 0.9
ExtraBreast1R.breastLightArmoredAmplitude 0.8 0.8
ExtraBreast2R.breastLightArmoredAmplitude 0.8 0.8
ExtraBreast3R.breastLightArmoredAmplitude 0.8 0.8
ExtraBreast1R.breastHeavyArmoredAmplitude 0.7 0.7
ExtraBreast2R.breastHeavyArmoredAmplitude 0.7 0.7
ExtraBreast3R.breastHeavyArmoredAmplitude 0.7 0.7

2. find these lines and reduce or increase values from 0 to 1

ClothedAmplitudeis breasts movementwhen wearing clothes
LightArmoredAmplitude is breasts movementwhen wearing Light armor
HeavyArmoredAmplitude is breasts movement when wearing Heavy armor

If you increase this values, breasts movement becomes like nude
If you reduce this values, breasts movement becomes less

- I want to reduce bounce

This is for those who are not confident to edit all parametersso It might not be good for all situations
1. OpenSKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_*Amplitude.txtfilesabout body part that you want to edit

ExtraBreast1L.amplitude 1 1
ExtraBreast2L.amplitude 1 1
ExtraBreast3L.amplitude 1 1
ExtraBreast1R.amplitude 1 1
ExtraBreast2R.amplitude 1 1
ExtraBreast3R.amplitude 1 1

RBreast.amplitude 1 1
LBreast.amplitude 1 1

Breast.amplitude 1 1

2. find these lines foramplitude like this
3. reduce values

if you want know files related to body part
Look at top of this article


How do you edit spread of breasts to less?

This is for those who are not confident to edit all parameters
so It might not be good for some cases
1.Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b.txt file

ExtraBreast1L.rotationalZ -0.0665 -0.0665
ExtraBreast2L.rotationalZ -0.1021 -0.1021
ExtraBreast3L.rotationalZ -0.0878 -0.0878

ExtraBreast1R.rotationalZ 0.0665 0.0665
ExtraBreast2R.rotationalZ 0.1021 0.1021
ExtraBreast3R.rotationalZ 0.0878 0.0878

2. find these lines for rotationalZ

3.if that value for L, increase values
if that value for R, reduce values

ExtraBreast1L.rotationalZ -0.0665 -0.0665
ExtraBreast2L.rotationalZ -0.1021 -0.1021
ExtraBreast3L.rotationalZ -0.0878 -0.0878

so this values, have to increase values

ExtraBreast1R.rotationalZ 0.0665 0.0665
ExtraBreast2R.rotationalZ 0.1021 0.1021
ExtraBreast3R.rotationalZ 0.0878 0.0878

and this values, have to reduce values

and values other than negative and positive must be symmetrical

- How do you reduce strange bounce when colliding?

1. Open SKSE/Plugins/CBPConfig_3b.txt

ExtraBreast1L.collisionFriction 0.02 0.02
ExtraBreast2L.collisionFriction 0.02 0.02
ExtraBreast3L.collisionFriction 0.02 0.02
ExtraBreast1R.collisionFriction 0.02 0.02
ExtraBreast2R.collisionFriction 0.02 0.02
ExtraBreast3R.collisionFriction 0.02 0.02

2. find thes lines for collisionFriction

3. increase these values
You can increase up to 1.0, but i don't recommend 1.0

ExtraBreast1L.collisionFriction 0.2 0.2
ExtraBreast2L.collisionFriction 0.2 0.2
ExtraBreast3L.collisionFriction 0.2 0.2
ExtraBreast1R.collisionFriction 0.2 0.2
ExtraBreast2R.collisionFriction 0.2 0.2
ExtraBreast3R.collisionFriction 0.2 0.2

Don't copy it and just find the value you like


The description of SMP config files for edit

- SMP Physics file for player when toggled to SMP Mode

- SMP Physics file for NPC when toggled to SMP Mode with Acup

- SMP Physics file for NPC when toggled to SMP Mode with Bcup

- SMP Physics file for NPC when toggled to SMP Mode with Ccup

- SMP Physics file for NPC when toggled to SMP Mode with Dcup

These files are in the SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs path

- How do you fix that legs are shaking infinitely

Are you using Karonar1's SMP? (hdtSMP64/hdtSMP64 at master · Karonar1/hdtSMP64 (

if so, uninstall that Karonar's SMP
then install the Aers' HDT SMP or Faster HDT SMP

- How do you increase sensitivity of collision?

1. open the xml file you want (Look at the description of above about file)

<per-triangle-shape name="3BCA_Hand">

2.Find the lines related to margin or penetration


shape name="3BCA_Hand" part
It literally means a collision related to Hand

3. increase or reduce margin or penetration values

if increase margin, the collision reacts even if less close
if reduce margin, for collision reacts, need more close

if increase penetration, the collision effect is stronger when collision reacted
if reduce penetration, the collision effect is less when collision reacted


How do you use SMP for anus?
In general, Anus can be opened only for animations made from XPMSSE 4.6x or higher
This means that only animations made later than this body mod can be anus open
But there are still many people who use old animations, so there are many people who haven't see it

It's usually recommended to open anus through animation
Neverthelessfor some users, I already made it from v2.00 (If edit a bit, so that can use it)
But there's only one person who figured this out lol

When install XPMSSE, you have to select "Physics Extension Old 4.51V" and install that

Have to do
1. open xml file your want (about file kind, look at the above)

<bone name="NPC RT Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC LT Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC RB Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC LB Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC Anus Deep2"/>

2.edit these lines like next (add <!-- and -->)

<bone name="NPC RT Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC LT Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC RB Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC LB Anus2"/>
<bone name="NPC Anus Deep2"/>

3. then scroll down and find the next section

There are a lot of lines that you need to look for find
But have to edit lines are very little

SMP is difficult to edit because all values are organically intertwined
So there's no "TIP" to get close to what you want to physics by simply editing

But there are a lot of example files that you can see around you, so you just have to try

Tips for Edit Physics config (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.